Well today Merv it has been off all morning and most of the afternoon.
I got a text off them saying they had an update for me. So I rang yet again, this time I got told it's my router that is faulty or my filters, or my internal phone line.
I told them that was rubbish as they even told me it was their problem days ago.
I told them to give me a MAC code and they put me through to someone English, at last.
He tried to offer us a cheap apckage. Whats the point in that when I couldn't use the internet for ANY PACKAGES.
He said the MAC code will be in an email in 5 days time.
We went out and bought yet another dongle for temp use. Guess what, we came back home and the internet was working.
So how can it be my router what is faulty then????
I've done the same. Mine has "settled" down to a 12 hours on, 12 hours off arrangement. New from <a href="http://www.paccodes.co.uk" target="PAC">Orange</a>! part-time internet.[/quote]
Just in case anyone has any thoughts: here are the router stats with my on/off internet (and a [] comparison during its more stable period. Generally it's off from about 1am to 10am/12 noon; and then has two unstable periods for about 1/2 hour around 1pm and 6pm:
ADSL_NOISE_MARGIN_UP=5.9 [goes down to towards zero during instability] [6.1]
ADSL_ATTAINABLE_UP=470 [up to 570]
I'm thinking ADSL2+ is the problem and the instability in the higher frequencies: but the line hasn't deterioriated (the attentuation has slightly improved) and this has never been a problem before, but neither have the variations in the upstream noise margin. Could another issue be that if as one Orange rep said they have installed a new line card (I'm not sure I believe all their stories either) that the "new" Orange DLM has kicked in, and might be "upset" by my line being manually limited to 4Meg following an earlier PPP server fault which apparently an engineer couldn't rectify? What I can't understand is why the re-authentications are constant but with no material variation in speed which is what I'd expect surely with instability? I had more drops on the one occasion when the line once re-established with ADSL2 the upstream was higher speed at 570, but then achieved the same on ADSL2+.
The log still shows the signal being killed by the network, and the stats page the PPP server down fault, when not connected.
The instability is not related to anything in the house or neighbours as far as I can ascertain, and surely that wouldn't give a PPP Server down error?
I'm assuming a change of LLU Provider (probably Sky, but I think they used to have PPP server problems too) will sort this rather than transfer a line problem. I was momentarily tempted by Attend 2's expensive wireless internet (apparently available in my area and have made an enquiry) to avoid exchange DSLAMS and dodgy underground wiring as I require reliability for some home working. I'm sure wireless has it's own problems, but landline ADSL seems to be promoted by the regulator presumably to keep BT in business and stifle such competition (after the success of mobile)!
Your SNRM is between 10dB and 11.5dB which indicates a Target SNR of possibly 12dB rather than the default 6dB. With an attenuation of 48dB - 51dB you should synch at 4736kbps - 5984kbps.
It's quite posssible that the line card is causing the problem. Certainly the problem is between the exchange and Orange routers/servers as indicated by the PPP down error.
Orange tell me they've solved the problem presumably as now the Livebox status shows Link Down instead of PPP Server down! . . . says it all, at least now it doesn't get so far as to try to authenticate! Jonathan, thanks for the response, (from this forum) has escalated it to a specialist team but will they be beaten by Attend 2's wireless installation team (probably!). I can't take any more Orange different daily excuses!
I'm guessing you are on an IPStream connection, can you log on to www.speedtester.BT.com then post back with the results ?
Hi, I logged onto this site and entered my landline number, but I don't know what a service id is......
On sunday Orange got back to us and said it was our router, or filter or internal phone line connection.
So I had, had enough. Still waiting for the MAC code.
Yesterday the internet was off all day,. then it started working this morning again and is on now.
How can it be our router then??
I'm puzzled.
I have received contact from merv and would like to offer assistance to yourself.
If you can email your landline number/broadband account number and best contact number to customer.services@orange.co.uk, I'll give you a ring to discuss.
So I can pick up your mail quickly, please add 'Jonathan Orange Response' in the first line.
I have received contact from merv . . .Response Team
First of all public thanks to Orange's Jonathan, who has done everything that could have been asked of him and more.
But more's the pity then that the "specialist technical team" charged with dealing with customer problem issues (or perhaps I'm just unlucky in the person I'm dealing with) are even more ineffective, unreliable and ill-informed than first tier support! Intermittent internet beforehand, and after their intervention, none; and no signs of life 3 days later. They're "rebuilding" a connection: I know Rome wasn't built in a day, but at least it wasn't built by Orange . . . (they'd still be looking for the foundation stone).
I'm awaiting the MAC lifeboat, but am more tempted by the "local" operation wi-fi suppliers when they can commission a local mast: I think the Openreach/third party contractor and seller arrangement used in broadband is just an excuse for never ending buck passing when things go wrong, and like rail privatisation which it copies, just doesn't (and can't) work. I want to deal with the organ grinders, not the monkeys.
Great news! The local wireless bods have a good shot with their signal so I can expect a minimum 4Meg up AND download (SDSL) @ £29pm, with installation next week and a business class service with a dedicated fibre link from their aerial. No dodgy BT underground wiring; no dodgy exchange dslams or ancient backhaul; unlimited use, and local support (not the other end of the world or the other end of the country!). Hopefully blue skies (as they say there's plenty of margin to cope with bad weather), with no Orange in sight. (Even better is as it's a business service when use is low, e.g. out of business hours, the remaining bandwidth is shared around so speeds can be higher, up to the max in theory).
Well, so far I've at least managed the no Orange in sight bit; since my case was referred to their specialist team both a deafeaning silence and not an internet signal in prospect.
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