Connection mode : G.DMT
Type : Fast
Noise margin (dB) : 17.9
Attenuation (dB) : 55.0
Attainable download rate (kbps) : 5472
ADSL status : Connected [0]
Downstream Upstream
Rate (kbps) 2272 288
With an attenuation of 55dB you'll be lucky if your router synchs at more than 3500kbps but Orange have put you on a fixed 2meg connection indicated by the 2272/288.
Connection mode : G.DMT
Type : Fast
Noise margin (dB) : 17.9
Attenuation (dB) : 55.0
Attainable download rate (kbps) : 5472
ADSL status : Connected [0]
Downstream Upstream
Rate (kbps) 2272 288
With an attenuation of 55dB you'll be lucky if your router synchs at more than 3500kbps but <a href="" target="PAC">Orange</a> have put you on a fixed 2meg connection indicated by the 2272/288.
You need to pester <a href="" target="PAC">Orange</a> to correct that.
Also re. your other post, you can leave your router on 24/7, they're made to be on all the time and use so little power.
Thanks for reply, It says at my exchange I can get a fixed speed of 2mbps Or 2.5mbps via adsl max, So Don't think I could get near the 3mbps anyway,
How do I get to adsl max, It says I'am G.DMT (What is this?)
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