Hello Orange (I have emailed you hoping in a reply with a solution and not the usual, we strive to... yeah!)
You should try and not hide too much online and allow your customers to contact you more easily via email or contact form and not do your best to hide it!
Why don't you use also ONLINE LIVE AUDIO VIDEO CONNECTION, which costs you nothing?
You cannot keep making money out of telephone calls too, especially if they are mainly from problems created by your non existent service!!!!
It seems that I have been having problems with our 'home' account now - I also have one at work!
It has been a month or 2 now that it sporadically keep disconnecting while I am working very hard and to get bread on my family table.
Look, I am an Electronics Technician and I can tell you that all is OK this side and I do not use that silly speedtouch modem, but a TRUST 445i - always on.
ALL customers pay for a 'always on' connection and that speed touch was an excuse to have your line free when ADSL was not used - customer computer switched off! Clever!
Lately (the last 2/4 weeks in particular) has been a nightmare and since I do also work with this 'home' line, I do need it 'always' working as paid for!
Last weekend I could not work and lost hours of work which sooner or later will be invoiced to Orange.
I may have to end our contacts (both of them, as I have two - stupid me!) and even though last time they were put on the lower end payment and subjected to a 12/18 months new contract, Orange should know that it is slightly a unlawful excuse to claim a new contract in order to keep a customer and if this is not solved soon - it should be automatic and free of contract for those that are with you since ever. here is what I am going to do:
1. ask for MAC transfer ID for both lines
2. ask for payment of all 'business;' related wasted hours (even though it is not a business ADSL line - I can use it in the way I want
3. ask for damage incurred for private line
4. ask for health related problems costs - have you thought of this?
5. and so on
6. forums posting: i.e. : .net magazine, Electronics Enegineers, Federation of Small Business, Watchdog BBC, Working Lunch BBC, etc.
Do you get the hint?
There are thousands of VERY ANGRY Orange customers and most of those are the ones like me that are with you since 1998 Freeserve started - when it was a UK Company!
Many do not move on the highest priced connection simply because they do know they will have the same shameful service at a higher price!
I am sure watchdog is going to love and talk about Orange again, even without my and my colleagues input.
Thank you for listening, well I hope so - for your sake.
Why don't you use also ONLINE LIVE AUDIO VIDEO CONNECTION, which costs you nothing?
You cannot keep making money out of telephone calls too, especially if they are mainly from problems created by your non existent service!!!!
Costs nothing except the cost of the staff, servers, maintenence, bandwidth...etc.
As for calls they may gain a small revenue from the calls but it is far from a profit.
Lately (the last 2/4 weeks in particular) has been a nightmare and since I do also work with this 'home' line, I do need it 'always' working as paid for!
So is there any patten to the disconnections, what have you done and what's happened when you've talked to Orange so far?
Last weekend I could not work and lost hours of work which sooner or later will be invoiced to Orange.
You'll likely find that hard to do because...
T&C's wrote:
16.2 As the Services are not intended for business use, we shall not be liable to you and Orange Payment Service shall not be liable to you or any business connected to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any loss or damage which are related to your business, including, without limitation, loss of profits, loss of revenue or business interruption
I may have to end our contacts (both of them, as I have two - stupid me!) and even though last time they were put on the lower end payment and subjected to a 12/18 months new contract, Orange should know that it is slightly a unlawful excuse to claim a new contract in order to keep a customer and if this is not solved soon - it should be automatic and free of contract for those that are with you since ever.
How is it unlawful? Providing you are informed and have the choice then it's a perfectly reasonable business practice.
Now I have the MAC and you want to charge me for leaving you.
I only changed how much I give you monthly not the service.
So, how come I have to pay for leaving after staying with you since 1998?
I did not change contract or renew it, because when I had my payment lowered you were not offering the service at £. 17.99 (I was paying) - How could I have changed contract then?
By the way, what about the 404 pages - another way of making money with the excuse to enhance customer experience?
I knew you would say that when I mentioned business!
Ah Ah Ah Ah !
Anybody that asks us which provider you do suggest - I will certainly not mention you or any other Orange service again.
Just purchased a new phone 'not Orange obviously' - my daughter's friends too ...- it is spreading just right for Xmas
... and finally, just recheck this link:
http://www.dslzoneuk.net/isp_r...atings.php - In case you try to say I am the only one and remember the battle is not only on price, but on 'reliable' service!
PS This site too was born because since Wanadoo, problems started
Since you are nice and I am bad, how come you do not have a 'clear' link on the statement page where a customer can click and request a MAC number and also 'clearly' state when contract ends and so when a customer (if they wish so) can apply to leave your services.
Why do we have to phone you - or yes security!
You can have online security and ask 'security' questions online and speed things up.
I will do my best to force this to be made compulsory and not only that.
I will battle to have 'all' providers to add on any statement email they send with 'contract term' clearly stated and remaining months (if customer wishes to go).
Also a clear URL (working, not to a blank page!) where a customer can get their MAC code the same day and then wait a few days (because BT generally takes a few days) to provide it.
That will make things clearer and without mistakes and the 'fear' put on a customers of 'getting charged' - a clear way of making them stay!
Also, re-regarding the 'unlawful' - maybe you did not understand it.
Unlawful is not your T&Cs (obviously) you are not stupid!
Unlawful is the 'way' you manage things, the way a customer is put in a corner and the unprepared customer service you have.
The FACT that a customer is put in a corner is unlawful - obviously all is done in a 'lawful' way! Mind, you are not the only one out there!
This is what I think and unfortunately I am aware that the majority of our citizen do not see behind the curtains of these problems would be a tiny minority. Our citizen are kept too busy with their life and blinding programs of the like of Big Brother and friends.
You are simply part of a large making money machine - like a giant vacuum cleaner that sucks money out of people.
A bit like Banks that take ages to cache a cheque and 3 seconds to charge you!
Good job we are not 'all' unaware of this.
They have done it with Credit Cards - the UK is full of debts now, so much that the Banks themselves are now realizing it (they have gone over the top) and they are starting to do something or everything will collapse.
So, please do not give us replies like that: here we say this here we say that and you agreed to out T&C.
All is done to trap a customer into something they do not want, but are forced to take.
The trick is always to add a few pseudo services in order to get a customer to sign up and then realized they have certainly saved money, but they do not have a reliable service or a service at all!
I could go on and on and mind, this 'has' to do with how large Companies are left to behave the way they behave.
This was not a political speech but simply the truth of how large Companies deal with our money - by putting their hands in our pocket, while they are blinding us with their speeches!
by the way, you say:
[i]How is it unlawful? Providing you are informed and have the choice then it's a perfectly reasonable business practice.[/i]
That is the point, 99% will not read it (and you know it!) and the few that reads it, the majority probably will stop half way as they get bothered.
So, in your terms MAKE IT VERY CLEAR in a few words: [b]you are buying this, the contract lasts up to.., and if you wish to go away from us use this link 'after the end of contract and if you wish to go away from us before the end of contract, you will have to pay for the difference![/b][/i]
[i]Support is useless, server goes down often, can't get a straight answer from them, speed has been cut to 0.1mb without consultation (should be 5.5mb at least). I'm offski, got MAC code and I'm away. Don't care about the penalty, just happy to get away from them.....the worst ISP out there. Something should be done about them, they are ripping people off by being greedy and flooding their own exchanges. Been with them since the Freeserve days, so not just saying this......they really have lost the plot![/i]
See? It is not only me, a Electronics Technician that know what he is talking about!
Also, it has taken me 2 weeks of emails to get a MAC code I cannot use for the stupid penalties!
Anyone who agrees to a contract and doesn't check the details of what it entails has only themselves to blame if they think they've been had.
Should things be clearer and easier? Of course they should but something like you suggest isn't going to happen overnight.
What corner are you talking about?
Every customer always has 3 options:
continue on whatever package they're on,
regrade to a different package.
Again providing there's a choice and it's not done without consent then there is nothing unlawful going on.
Strangely businesses are there to make money and considering the tight margins on the broadband industry in general they're not exactly gouging everything they can get.
Just to be clear I can't officially comment for Orange but just give my opinions too.
Of course I understand what you mean and although my reply seemed aimed at you it was not.
But yet, I do not agree to the fact they tie you up on another 'pseudo' contract simply because I asked to pay what others were paying for the same service.
Bear in mind that when I changed payment, my £. 17.99 contract did not exist on their servers - there was not a £. 17.99 and a £. 14.99 separate contracts.
So, my contract in effect started when I signed up with the at £. 17.99.
This is what I am talking about and this is what I do not like at all.
I am a fairly democratic person and do not like to be treated this way.
I repeat, the contract in reality does not exists!
By the way tonight ADSL is 1Mbps - just checked it!
I wonder if they are working or it simply is overloading traffic.
... 2 days ago I asked to know the exact end my contracts (I have 2) and they kindly replied - 8 of March - not long!
This morning I started to get s-p-a-m from one of those accounts - not that I used them much and I am shielded - I use several other email address, but theirs since year 2000.
What a coincidence.
I am not stating anything, but ... it seems to me very low and childish if it is what I think. I hope not.
All can be tracked if necessary! All logged.
By the way, I think Orange records phone calls. Strangely we do too!
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