I did a speed test on BT website and found my ip profile had dropped from 6500 ro 1500 kbit/s. Yikes!
Download speedachieved during the test was - 1386 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 400-2000 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :7616 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 448 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 1500 Kbps
I have had a few problems getting a working connection recently resulting in having to restart the livebox a few times. Could this be the cause of this?
I have substituted livebox with a Netgear DG834G router known to be reliably working and am going to keep a check on this.
ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 7616 kbps 448 kbps
Line Attenuation 4 db 1 db
Noise Margin 15 db 24 db
well i think we can rule out that your not on lu network but on ipstream which is BT network gear,i would'nt be suprised if Orange hav'nt bought enough bandwidth from BT so they'll cut you back on your profile and think you would'nt notice or be bothered.
Cause this is the way this firm works in my case,they are rubbish
the only way is to phone and ask why your speed has dropped,and if they try and give you any bul*sh*t,like this all your line can handle or any other stupid talk tell them to give there head's a shake!!
well i think we can rule out that your not on lu network but on ipstream which is <a href="http://btbb.at/theside?LID=21">BT</a> network gear,i would'nt be suprised if <a href="http://www.maccodes.co.uk" target="MAC">Orange</a> hav'nt bought enough bandwidth from <a href="http://btbb.at/theside?LID=21">BT</a> so they'll cut you back on your profile and think you would'nt notice or be bothered.
Cause this is the way this firm works in my case,they are rubbish
the only way is to phone and ask why your speed has dropped,and if they try and give you any bul*sh*t,like this all your line can handle or any other stupid talk tell them to give there head's a shake!!
Reading various posts on this forum, I am sure you're right. I've stuck with Orange for the 2nd line but if they can't supply a decent broadband service, I am seriously thinking of switching.
Has anyone got any recommendations? I'm on the Duddington exchange which is ipstream as it is too mall a brick shed for llu.
What I'm looking for is reasonable priced , call centres that speak Western English and with reasonable stated download limits.
I'm not sure if this is relevant but while I had the problem, I was getting a fair number of FECerrors with some HECerrors and CRCerrors. From Sunday night through to yesterday evening I had 40603 FECerrors, 921 HECerrors and 998 CRC errors, all mainly collected on Sunday evening after switching on the livebox. So far since starting up half an hour ago I have seen ONE solitary FECerror.
Further update on problem. I have had 2 phone calls from Orange concerning this problem and in the meantime, I had such a lousy telephone line yesterday that I rang BT faults while the noise was on the line.
The man from BT has just left. He informed me that the wires in the connection block on top of the pole outside just fell off the connection block due to corrosion. The last engineer up there trapped the cables in the cover
I guess I just have to wait for the ip profile to wind back up from its present 2000k. This morning it wouldn't sync at all.
This afternoon the livebox stats seem to be about back to what I normally expect.
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