Along with many people, I have very limited wireless range with the Livebox. I have tried different positions and I am aware of potential issues with siting the Livebox near DECT phones etc.
We have recently received 2 wi-fi phones to use on the Orange UNIQUE service which work extremely well when close to the livebox, but the lack of signal causes problems in some part of the house. I therefore bought a D-Link DWL-G710 range extender as several posts said it worked with the Livebox.
I've now spent 2 days trying to configure it without success. Has anyone any experience of setting up this unit succesfully?
I've changed the IP address and can see it pefectly well when attached by cable, but can not ping it wirelessly and my phone just says "fails to obtain IP address".
Thanks for the reply but I've tried all channels over the years. None seem much better than others. That's why I 've decided to try the range extender.
I am sure it is something simple because other people have got the DWL-G710 working. I think the problem is with the IP addresses. If I go into the Livebox settings there are numerous IP's listed (WanIP, Gateway, LAN, Broadcast LAN etc) and I just don't know which ones I should be using.
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