Over the past few weeks i've been having disconnects at near enough the same times every day, these usually happen 2/3 times then returns to normal with no other problems, prior to this it had been working fine for 12+ months.
7:00-7:10pm - when the first "set" of disconnects happen
11:00-11:30pm - when the second "set" of disconnects happen
During these disconnects the status goes through PPP in progress, synchronization in progress, PPP in progress, synchronization in progress then back to a solid connection.
The signal light stays solid with the @ light alternating between quick and slow flashing during these disconnect peroids, i've tried contacting Orange through email/phone and have had line tests conducted but the problem is still there.
ADSL firmware version : A2pBT009c1.d17d
Connection mode : ADSL2+
Type : Fast
Noise margin (dB) : 17.5
Attenuation (dB) : 28.5
Attainable download rate (kbps) : 12168
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