At random times thru out the day and night my internet connect drops when going to configuration.adsl it says PPP in progress then it says Synhronisation in progress and then again PPP in progress and then connect to and then it works again
this happens like 10-15 times a day or so.
Since im a world of warcraft player and doing matches and stuff disconnecting is not good for me.
Is there any way to counter this?
when it happens the livebox most left light goes blinking and stuff and after 40-50 seconds it regains connection...I have no idea why it happens.
Ok it's fixed now and the most weird reason for it was this
My heater was close to the livebox and somehow that made it get warm and disconnect or something weird stuff happens!
Also we have a threadmill at home and when someone starts the threadmill my livebox disconnects aswell I dont know this can be related to eachother tried other sockets placing it a bit further away.
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