I have a few problems with Orange... Actually.. Only 2..
My download speed is max of 24KB/PS (MAJJOORRR PROBLEM!!!... )
And I can't send e-mails from my own SMTP Server.
Okay, time to explain.
I'm a website host, I have my own site/server. I get e-mail addresses with that also. But, when I go to send a mail message with my SMTP server, It just won't let me... I don't know if anyone here can shead any light onto this for me?
Also, my other problem with the download speed is currently being "Fixed" They are doing a line check for me. But the download speed goes up to 100Kb/PS at night.. Awkward huh?
Just another quick note on the STMP, orange have given me their SMTP servers... And they are too slow... Other than...
1. Download speed = Crap
2. Not allowed to use own smtp servers (I think)
3. Help line is CRAP. Litterly, they couldn't even help me with my router... Where I only had to change one number, seriously.. It tells you something when the help lines are that bad...
And 4. Help line wants me to keep unplugging my Livebox.
Other than that.. I hate to say this, but Orange are OKAY. For now.. Untill more problems come.
So, my question for this whole post! IS!
Can anyone shead some light on me using my own SMTP Servers? - Is it possible? Or do I have to stick with Oranges crappy SMTP Server? If it is possible, can someone give me a guide? If it isn't possible, can someone find me a way?..
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'susan@stucker6.orangehome.co.uk'. Subject 'test', Account: 'Keanu - ARO-Server', Server: 'mail.aro-server.co.uk', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 relay not permitted, authentication required', Port: 587, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
Is the error I got, when trying to send a e-mail from my server to my Orange e-mail address (Tried to my other 2 servers too)
Can anyone shead some light onto this problem for me?
Do your servers allow email to be sent through port 587?
Also try a different address to send to and see what happens. Easiest way is to send to the address you're sending through, that way it goes out and should come back in pretty much straight away, also shouldn't be rejected at all.
"To send using your own smtp server, change the outgoing server (smtp) port to 587 (from 25). "
This trick worked for me immediately.
Prior to finding this forum I've been searching through orangehome's website for hours and emailing them all to no avail.
that sounded like the soloution i had been looking for as when i send mails they seem to get 'lost' on the way through Orange's server...
But it doesn't work. I changed my STMP address back to my own one and changed the port number but i just got an error message and couldn't send anything.
Any other ideas? And why does this work for some folks but not others?
Remember the server you're sending to must specifically allow connections on whatever port you set. You can't just pick one and expect it to work.
Always check with the administrators and/or support services to see what ports they use/allow. Some operators can specially setup alternative ports on request but that depends on the provider.
I just wanted to post in and give a like.. Report on Orange. Well - They're that bad, that my line went down for almost a week and they did absolutly nothing about it. I was furious. What did they do? - One month free. We rang up to complain, the guy said "Okay, ill go put the form in." and hung up on us.
I'm warning you, NEVER switch to Orange. I'm SERIOUS. Only thing Orange are good for is Orange wednesdays.
Switch to someone better, I wish I had. All I want to do is ditch them.
Unless you want, seriously bad support, to use their smtp servers, to have slow net speeds (Mines bunked up to 250KB/PS.. But thats it.. It his 1MB for half a seccond the other night (first time ever)) and extreeme amounts of downtime!
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