'Thinkbraodband' shows 3.5mb and 3.7mb once, speedtest.net shows anything from 3.0mb to 8.0mb, why are they different? And is there a difinitive way of testing your download speed?
Joined: 13 Aug 2006Posts: 1689Location: Marylebone Central London
Hi karlitofingers
Not really, personally i stick to 3 i use the 2 you use and DSLZone UK and average the results out, occasionally i use numion.com as it also checks your surfing speed.
_________________ ex Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange Blog
Hi karlitofingers
Not really, personally i stick to 3 i use the 2 you use and DSLZone UK and average the results out, occasionally i use numion.com as it also checks your surfing speed.
dslzone doesn't work cos i've got a firewall running, but I'm not to keen on disabling it, just tried a couple of others, one said 4.5mb and one said 11.55mb! thats whilst litening to online radio! strange!
Joined: 13 Aug 2006Posts: 1689Location: Marylebone Central London
I have a firewall running and dslzone works ok for me, to get a more accurate reading you need to not use your connection other than the one your doing the test with, the one reading 11.55Mbps is way out it wasn't the Tiscali speedtest was it? i got 56Mbps with that once i think Tiscali are trying to disguise their throttling LOL.
_________________ ex Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange Blog
Tests that give you weird results like 11 meg mean it's doing a very basic test and simply scaling the results up to work out the speed. Those sorts of test can be quite wildly wrong.
Speedtests will vary, due to time of day, popularity, peering arrangements, contention, line sync, IP profile, etc.
Generally the best test is through actual downloading, especially multiple files from different sources, about 3 is usually best. That stesses the connection to it's limit.
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