Simple question - can I read/retrieve my Orange Webmail using Mozilla Thunderbird & Pop Peeper? If so, how? Because I've tried loads of times, but cannot get it to work.
Orange/Wanadoo/Freeserve used to be my ISP - on and off (now permanently off, thank heavens). Originally, when they were Freeserve, I used to be able to access my email using an email client (Outlook Express, Outlook, Thunderbird, etc). Then they all stopped working - always "timing me out". Many phone calls to Freeserve produced nothing. And under Orange I've never be able to use an email client to get my mail.
I'm still not entirely certain with Orange Webmail as to whether it is truly webmail (if you know what I mean). After all, '' was the address they gave me when I (foolishly) signed-up, so surely I should have POP access to it? Or maaybe not.
Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you,
p.s. idiotically, I moved to Tiscali from Orange - and they were even worse! Thankfully, I'll be escaping - fleeing for my life - to ADSL 24 within the next 7 days or so. Cannot bleedin' wait - blessed relief!
Joined: 13 Aug 2006Posts: 1689Location: Marylebone Central London
You should be able to use any email client but if you read some of these posts most people are having the same trouble so i wouldnt bother if i was you ide transfer it all to someone like Gmail which works flawleessly with most email clients and is free the only pain is giving out your new address as there is no forwarding in oranges webmail unlike most others.
_________________ ex Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange Blog
Thanks for reply. Unfortunately, eBay will not let me change my registered unless I supply credit card details - and I don't have a credit card! (well, not anymore). And for some reason I couldn't change my primary email address in PayPal either ...
Joined: 13 Aug 2006Posts: 1689Location: Marylebone Central London
i suppose its not too bad if its just a couple just means you have to log in Oranges dreaded webmail to collect them, mines still open and choc-a-bloc with spam and i don't even use it lol.
_________________ ex Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange Blog
So long as you entered the pop address correctly you ought to be able to receive email on almost any connection. A timeout would usuaully come from some sort setting problem or security software messing with it. Try turing off pop peeper and any firewall/virus/antispam software to see if it then goes through. If so then you can turn each on and see which it is.
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