I posted earlier saying I quit Orange in July, at that time they offered me a free month (which I did not want). I had to call them back to confirm leaving.
This I did and at this second "chat", I was again offered free internet (which I again said I did not want) until December. I confirmed that I would not have to pay anything and also that I would not have to phone back to cancel again.
All agreed to.
I thought I was free in August and September, but in October and November two amounts of £14.99 were taken from my Visa account. I questioned this and they said I had not cancelled. No recollection of the "free until December" bit.
I arranged with Visa to refund the amounts and stop any future payments. This they agreed to do.
I also contacted ISPA and through them someone from Orange (A/C Team 3rd Level complaints) phoned and agreed to send me a goodwill cheque for what amounted to 2 months dial up. At that time I told them I had arranged for a refund through VISA. Orange were insistent about the goodwill cheque.
This finally arrived first week in January. I thought, I am free, finally.
NO...............I am still not free. 22nd January I receive an Orange letter saying my Anytime service has been suspended......well HELLO. I told you boys I quit ages ago.
They say: we've written to you a couple of times..............No such thing has happened.
They say further: If we don't hear from you we'll have to close your account.
Amen.................finally. Can I really expect this come February 1st?
For what???? Non payment of non service?
If they think I am going to waste money phoning them to put them right, they better think again.
Let's see what happens if I just ignore this letter, After all, they have accepted that I quit their service by virtue of their goodwill cheque, though their covering letter gave nothing away. All it said was: as per our telephone conversation.............................
Very slick indeed. Watch them people and keep your backs covered.
I think that most people here will have learned a harsh lesson within the next 12 months and won't put their heads into the lion's mouth again. It's just a shame that there will be and still is those unsuspecting victims out there who will fall prey to those businesses that have no regard whatsoever for fair play and value.
I think we are going through a transition at the moment in this country and eventually laws will be passed that will regulate and come down hard on companies that fail to meet the standards they promise and can't or won't keep.
ie: Have you noticed how there are fewer and fewer companies now that risk selling over the phone for fear of very hefty fines through many people being signed up to BT's TPS service?
The sooner businesses are forced through legislation to behave in a fair and proper way with regards to sales, service and especially well crafted and bombastic terms and conditions the better.
Keep up the fight!
_________________ Spread the word and let's get some action going!
Orange Fightback
Pretty much the same has happened to us. We spoke to Orange 'customer services' (ha ha) on 23 Oct 2006 and said we wanted the MAC. They asked why we wanted to change ISP, so we told them it was because of their dreadful service, frequent line drops (lasting days at a time) and their failure to respond to our complaints. They promised us a free month's broadband, which we accepted.
We were e-mailed the MAC on 25 Oct 2006, and the e-mail also contained this line "When you've successfully migrated, BT will inform us and then we'll cancel your broadband account for you." They cut off our broadband on 27 Oct 2006 - BT told us that Orange had 'removed the marker' from the line. So much for a free month then!
We got our new ISP up and running a couple of weeks later and have enjoyed a superb broadband service ever since. However, Orange took a further payment out of our account, so we cancelled the direct debit. In December, they tried to take another payment, and then rang us to ask why we'd cancelled the direct debit. We told them that the account had been cancelled, and they said "oh, thanks", and hung up. They rang again in January, and were told the same thing.
Last week, they had the cheek to send us a letter telling us that because we'd not paid, they'd had to suspend our service and that we wouldn't be able to get online. That's clever - remember, we don't have a service with them! They also said that if we didn't pay, they'd cancel our account. Hello? It was cancelled 4 months ago.
Actually, I'd love for them to take us to court. That way, they can pay to make even bigger fools of themselves.
We were threatened with legal action and we are still waiting to hear from them.
I too would like to see them take this further because in my case, I was not only refunded for the 2 months they deducted from my account, I am also in receipt of a "goodwill" amount for 2 months. Very kind of them.
If I were you, Womble, I would go for the month they took out of your account. If you inform your bank that you did NOT receive a service from them, they should agree to arrange for the amount to be replaced.
Im the same Ive been with BT now for the last 4 months (Dec 06) and they are still taking money out of my account. Making me overdrawn twice with charges.
I thought I was out of the woods, nope..............got another threatening letter and they will give me until the 11th April to pay up or else.
These people are totally unreal. They have accepted my cancellation.
I have finally written to them and made it clear if they dont stop harassing me I will do something about them.
Dont get rude, people, just state the facts and make sure you have the words "Without Prejudice" clearly typed on the top left hand corner of your letter.
This safeguards you to some extent..........or not.
For two cents I would just ignore this second letter. There is no date on it, it is not a "signed for letter", so how can they get legal??????? They have no proof I received it.
If their spies are watching. I will never sign up with Orange again.
We've finally had a response from Orange. They've now said that they're sorry we've decided to leave them (note, they still haven't apologised for their appalling service) and as a 'gesture of goodwill' have agreed to waive the £27.99 outstanding. Hang on a minute though! They owe US the £27.99, not the other way round - how dare they decided to waive THEIR debt!
To be honest, after almost a year of arguing with them, I don't know if I can be bothered to chase this any more, but then again £27.99 is £27.99 and, in my opinion they are guilty of theft.
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