BT engineer didn't turn up Friday. I took a day off work to wait. There's a day's holiday I can never get back.
Phoned BT, and they checked with Openreach/Wholesale who confirmed no jobs were booked for my address.
Phoned Orange and spoke to a clone who said that "BT engineer very busy. He will call you within 24 hours to re-arrange".
'He' hasn't of course.
Lost my connection (only had it for five days after being off for nine days. Total of 21 days out of 40 I was offline) on Saturday morning again, so rang Orange to cancel. It took nearly twenty minutes to finally get through to the cancellations (Care Team ) department.
Not once did either the CS Supervisor or the fella doing the cancellation suggest that I might want to re-consider. Good job really!
In fact, the fella who put it all through was not at all complimentary about Orange. He said "They just never learn".
Anyway, he gave me £60, which is now a total of £80 I have got back from them which covers what it has cost me for my 'service', so now I am writing to them to ask for the cost of all the wasted phone calls back.
What is really astounding is that of the estimated 50+ calls I made to Orange, only one of them achieved anything, and that was my final call to cancel my contract.
And the best thing about it? I got off the phone to Orange and rang some ISP's for prices. While I was on the phone to BT, my Broadband came back on!!! Albeit for less than ten minutes, but it was freaky.
It's now been on since this morning. Still only half meg but at the moment anything is a bonus.
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