I have had poor speeds an intermittent connections since December. Eventually contacted Orange (50p per minute) and explained the problem and that I am thinking of cancelling. They immediately passed me on to someone else who said that it was my modem (it is not by the way) and offered me a reduction in price from £17.99 per month to £9.99. They also explained that they would send me a Livebox that would improve things for me.
Guess what? The Livebox is worse than my Linksys in my opinion. On emailing them to report this today they referred me to the help link on their site whch is very patronising and assumes that we are PC illeterate. I sent them a reply saying just that.
They now want details of any speed tests that I have carried out as I have blamed the LLU factor. My speed at the moment is:
Down: 556.94 kbps
Up: 228.19 kbps
It has been worse and the most I have ever got is around 900 kbps down.
I am meant to be on an 8meg package. It is like been back on the old dial-up.
Looking on the technical help and support page on the Orange site service status is indicating some difficulties but a further click shows that it is reporting this from 27th February. They have obviously got problems and do not seen to be addressing them. I hink Orange is a con.
When intimating that I may cancel and would require a MAC code, they said that I may have trouble as some ISP's will not accept one from an LLU and that if I persued this I may be without the Internet for a few weeks.
Having heard this before, I contacted Sky Broadband today who said that they can now accept MAC codes from Orange and that they will do the switch over painlessly and I would not be without a service, although it could take 14 days for the switch to occur. I am now going away to think about this.
Joined: 13 Aug 2006Posts: 1689Location: Marylebone Central London
When intimating that I may cancel and would require a MAC code, they said that I may have trouble as some ISP's will not accept one from an LLU and that if I persued this I may be without the Internet for a few weeks.
Still Orange use the same old scripts there are plenty of ISP's that now take LLU MACS they are trying it on to stop you from leaving they know full well others now accept them ide leave ASAP things wont change till you migrate to a proper ISP.
_________________ ex Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange Blog
When intimating that I may cancel and would require a MAC code, they said that I may have trouble as some ISP's will not accept one from an LLU and that if I persued this I may be without the Internet for a few weeks.
Still Orange use the same old scripts there are plenty of ISP's that now take LLU MACS they are trying it on to stop you from leaving they know full well others now accept them ide leave ASAP things wont change till you migrate to a proper ISP.
That statement is perfectly valid, some ISP's don't accept LLU MAC's, sure the list that do is growing but it's always a good idea to check the ISP you want does. If the chosen ISP doesn't accept them but the person still wants to move to them then the only option is to cancel and be without broadband for a length of time.
It shouldn't be used to disuade customers but if they don't know then advising them is a reasonable thing to do so they're informed.
Joined: 13 Aug 2006Posts: 1689Location: Marylebone Central London
I think its very misleading, one Orange agent posted a while back on adslguide that its no good asking for an LLU MAC because no other providers aceept them to which all the other ISP representatives slaughtered that person stating the fact they that person was wrong.
If somebody askes for a MAC then they should be given it without questions asked and telling that person lies to put them off, im talking thru experience its a disgrace and yes the list is growing fast so now its an invalid statement.
_________________ ex Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange Blog
If the list is growing then that statement can't be invalid, yet. Still it's better to be informed than say try and submit an LLU MAC online to another ISP and get a message it's invalid only to call Orange and then find out why.
Joined: 21 Mar 2007Posts: 2Location: Marylebone London
Sorry i disagree if someone wants a MAC they should hand it over without the crap that no ISP will take an LLU MAC its misleading and also Orange take first prize in giving out invalid MACs which most know they do it on purpose its a well known fact.
Btw Elhana I changed my email address in my profile now it wont let me log in under my original nick
Sorry i disagree if someone wants a MAC they should hand it over without the crap that no ISP will take an LLU MAC its misleading and also Orange take first prize in giving out invalid MACs which most know they do it on purpose its a well known fact.
I totally agree that they shouldn't say no ISP will take it. The statement's still reasonable as some don't. As for providing invalid MAC's on purpose it's hard to say it's a fact when there's no real proof. I expect part of it previously for LLU codes would have been down to the nature of how they had to be manually assigned from a spreadsheet, the less thats done automatically the more potential human error you introduce.
Btw Elhana I changed my email address in my profile now it wont let me log in under my original nick
Odd, PM Admin and see if he can take a look at sorting that out for you as I don't have access to that stuff.
Site AdminJoined: 07 Apr 2006Posts: 784Location: United Kingdom
Btw Elhana I changed my email address in my profile now it wont let me log in under my original nick
You entered an incorrect email address when changing it!
If you change your email address, your acount will be set to inactive until you reply to the confirmation email (for security reasons). Of course, as you incorrectly entered your email address, you would not have receieved the confirmation email!
Your account has been amended to the correct (new) email address and has been activated!
Again, encountering slow speeds even with livebox. Reported it to Orange who told me to call back (at my expense of course) in 72 hours as they would raise it with BT.
Called back yesterday morning and they told me that they had closed the case although I have not seen any improvement. They advised me it was a fault on the line and would raise another case with BT. At lunchtime I lost the intenet and ADSL completely. Left it until this morning and made the calls. The status mesage is stating 'as of Sunday 25th March, we are not aware of any problems'. The advisor said, after the standard resetting of the Livebox, that it could be BT are working on your problem hence no connection. Reasonable I thought.
About 12.30 pm today I had the internet back again. Did the speed test and same slow results. What gives? I am seriusly considering escalating this to the OFT.
Can anyone advise as to why my capacity is up to 4.5mb but I only get 0.9 on an 8MB package?
should I leave Orange or will I encounter the same problems with another ISP.
Joined: 13 Aug 2006Posts: 1689Location: Marylebone Central London
Most people on most forums that leave Orange their problems disappear too that includes me too so going by the majority ide say 99% yes your problems will be a thing of the past after you leave.
_________________ ex Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange Blog
That statement is perfectly valid, some ISP's don't accept LLU MAC's, sure the list that do is growing but it's always a good idea to check the ISP you want does.
The statement maybe valid but the process is incorrect. This is what I find absolutely astounding about ISPs and support staff within these organisations. They just do not seem to keep up with the times. If you are on LLU and going onto ADSL the gaining ISP should accept the MAC as BT will. Infact, it should not be a case of some will and some won't accept as it is now law under the new MAC regs. Heres the relevant information from Ofcom:
Other process developments
3.26 On 22 November 2006 BT announced the launch of a new process called “provide with MAC” which will support “reverse” migrations from SMPF to IPStream/DataStream. BT has stated that “provide with MAC” will be available to all customers to use from 21 December 2006.
3.28 As set out in paragraph 5.41, General Condition 22 will require broadband service providers (and wholesale broadband providers) to use the MAC process for migrations from SMPF to IPStream and DataStream once “provide with MAC” is fully available.
There is no real excuse for ingnorance of ISPs in not following the above.
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