I've had an account with these clowns ever since they were known as Freeserve and this area didn't have broadband.
However inbound E-mail has now now stooped working. It looks like the POP server I have set in my mail client is no longer valid.
Anyone got any idea as to what the correct POP server should be? Or has mail deliberately been down all weekend?
I can get in via the web interface to read my mail, but there's over 1000 messages waiting - 99% of them of course being spam. Can they also get around to installing a proper spam filter that actually works, and not one that marks all messages, even genuine ones, as spam?
I've had an account with these clowns ever since they were known as Freeserve and this area didn't have broadband.
However inbound E-mail has now now stooped working. It looks like the POP server I have set in my mail client is no longer valid.
Anyone got any idea as to what the correct POP server should be? Or has mail deliberately been down all weekend?
I can get in via the web interface to read my mail, but there's over 1000 messages waiting - 99% of them of course being spam. Can they also get around to installing a proper spam filter that actually works, and not one that marks all messages, even genuine ones, as spam?
Would help if you told us what pop you put in ?
And i dont get much spam now, i make message rules and that stops the stuff.
I've tried every Freserve/Wanadoo/Orange POP server I can find reference on-line, from my original one of pop.freeserve.co.uk to pop.orange.net. None of them seem to work, as the connection always appears to time out.
I have spam filters set up in my mail client which work fine, but when I have to use the web mail interface I'm inundated with page after page of junk.
Actually I believe the problem is now a DNS issue with MAC OS X 10.5, as users of other ISPs are having similar problems with the same mail client - i.e. Apple's own bundled one.
I've got it working by giving the mail client just the IP address of my POP server - - instead of a DNS name. There appears to be some strange DNS issues with MAC OS X 10.5 and this is one manifestation of this problem.
I've got it working by giving the mail client just the IP address of my POP server - - instead of a DNS name. There appears to be some strange DNS issues with MAC OS X 10.5 and this is one manifestation of this problem.
By the way its pop.orangehome.co.uk.
Anyways..... good idea, i did the same for my SMTP and now all my emails are being recieved, first time in 18 months !!!!!!!!
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