Hi all, I've been with Orange since freeserve: 512/256 Uncapped BB which was £27.99 at the time, thanks to this page I had it down to £19.99 for this service and so it remained for some yrs.
Only this Ddecember I decided to change to the unlimited package to get the speed increase- hell why not, I'll be paying the same for more (throw in live box, maintain the "unlimited" downloads sounds good right?). The order went through fine, I got the livebox, go that working - no probs. I just waited for this period of 10-days to get the speed upgrade. Guess what? No speed upgrade, guess whats more, apparently thats the fastest my line can go- 512k! WTF!!!!???
Some info:
My exchange is Vauxhall, approx 500 meters away
ADSL firmware version : A2pBT009c1.d17d
Connection mode : G.DMT
Type : Fast
Noise margin (dB) : 30.3
Attenuation (dB) : 19.0
Attainable download rate (kbps) : 10304
ADSL status : Connected [0]
Numerous BB checkers say I can get at least 6meg
Now, I call Orange support numerous times, to different departments, who all tell me that 512 is the faster my line will support. From the info I manged to weedle out of the agents, I find out that I was swtiched over to LLU in jan 2006. Now at that time I started to get a speed of 608/288 - which I currently have right now.
This is what I think Orange is doing, those which have been switched over to LLU whilst on a half meg package have been capped. Any further regrade to increase this speed, orange is refusing to do (money perhaps?). I do not think it is hardware/line ware on my side, and that Orange are refusing to remove any cap on my line. Hell I'm bang in the middle of london with half a meg service?!!? Also, since I had switched over to the new package in december no regrade has been recorded - only jan2006.
I do not think this is the case with those being upgraded onto the adsl max services, only the LLU services. I have read about, and there are a few that have this problem.
Is there anyone that can shed light on this problem or anyone that has managed to switch from the 608meg service recently? What would it take Orange to realise that I can get higher speeds and that I need a regrade?? Anyone, please help!!?
Well according to Orange im on 5.5MEg LLU, but im only getting 2.7meg speeds.. checked with myspeedtouch modem and it sys conencted at 4.8meg, dunno if its a congestion problem at my exchange or just Orange being a pain in the arse as usual
They are my stats, just looking at them you can tell my line is fast, attenuation is 9.0 FFS!!.
I have caled so many times that its stupid, ive phones technical support so many times and they have never given me any advice how top fix it, not even reset router or anything. A customer support person said that LLU equipment can only handle half a meg, so its no surprise that im cancelling this 'service' soon.
Well my noise is 12.0 Atten 63.0 never varies (due to line length )
I had 2meg nice and steady, no complaints, no disconnections (Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange cust for 8 yrs.).
Orange LLU'd the exchange, my steady 2Meg went to repeated disconnections, then down to 1/2 Meg then to unable to sustain a connection at all !
Gave up with them, changed ISP, guess what
New ISP, back to 2Meg, 3+ months on, not a hiccup
What's changed ?
Nothing on my side, same comp, line, etc.
So whos fault was it and who couldn't fix it ? yes Orange
With line stats of :
Noise margin (dB) : 30.3
Attenuation (dB) : 19.0
Attainable download rate (kbps) : 10304
"Now, I call Orange support numerous times, to different departments, who all tell me that 512 is the faster my line will support. "
With the figures you have you are being told blatant lies
You should be on the max speed
"Is there anyone that can shed light on this problem or anyone that has managed to switch from the 608meg service recently? What would it take Orange to realise that I can get higher speeds and that I need a regrade??"
Give Orange your stats as above and ask THEM to explain and prove why you are only on 1/2 Meg, BECAUSE THESE FIGURES PROVE YOU CAN ATTAIN MAX SPEED, if no satisfactory reply, then tell them that you want to be put back on IPstream, they may tell you that this can't be done.
Lies again, they can switch you back. they don't like to this because it costs them money, and they don't make as much profit out of you as on LLU.
If still no joy, do as thousands of others have done, move to a better ISP
Ps. Proof is that if I can reach 2Meg with such poor line stats, you should be able to obtain AT LEAST 2Meg, but more like 4-6 Meg, with such good line stats as yours.
For info, I'm getting over 4Mbps Interleaved on ADSL Max with very poor line stats of 6db Noise and 53dB Attentuation, so poor lines can deliver if everything else is OK
OK all heres an update (btw any chance to keep this a sticky? Ive searched this forum and it seems its a ongoing problem with other people, would be nice to focus this problem in one post?)
I talk to customer support and get an agent who could understand this problem and got this referred to a 'provisions dept/magdeline' (?!)- an external dept who apparently deals with LLU. Turns out this Half meg is fastest speed they can provide me, but this is due to their exchange (so theres nothing wrong with my setup- no reason why I couldn't get faster speed). That in the next few months the exchange will be upgraded to allow for a faster speed. Now I don't know if this was BS, but they certainly could not give an actual time for upgrade just "In the next few months"- So I'm going to hold onto this little ray of light, for the moment anyway. I also asked them, if they can't provide me with a faster line on LLU, shift me over to ADSLMAX, but they said that was not possible and thats when they made admissions about needing to upgrade exhanges to get better speeds. (Also, want to add, that they tried to implicate BT with this poor speed service until I pointed out I was LLU and therefore had nothing to do with BT)
2 Things come out of this which disgusts me (I made complaint to some supervisor)
1. When people are being upgraded to the Unlimited package, they do not tell you that your current speed is the fastest you are getting unless "you asked for it". And their defense for not mentioning this at all is "The conditions do say Up to 8Meg". Call me a fool, but the word Up insinuates greater than what you got already? Hell, I think theres a breach of contract somewhere in there...
2. Asides from not disclosing IMPORTANT information about your line, that in this day and age of superfast broadband Orange can taut half a meg as being the fastest a line can get....almost sacrilege...
Do they think I would have handcuffed myself to Orange for 12 MONTHS had I known that the fastest speed they were going to give me was half a meg? OUTRAGEOUS...Please forgive the tone of this , Im still quite livid and feel like I've been taken like mug (which I have been)...
To any Orange employees, more specifically those working for this provisions/Magdeline dept, please shed more light on this problem because to me for many, Orange are upgrading some customers knowing full well they won't get any speed increase because their equipment at their exchanges are not up to it or haven't been upgraded. And if it is an upgrade issue- how bad is the timeline for these upgrades to take place?!?
Ive just given my 30 days notice for them to cease my line.
Apparently Orange equipment only being able to handle half meg isnt breaking contract cos its says 'up to' 8meg. Surely if the equipment can only go up to half a meg regardless of how good your line is, surely its an up to half meg service?
Ive just given my 30 days notice for them to cease my line.
Apparently Orange equipment only being able to handle half meg isnt breaking contract cos its says 'up to' 8meg. Surely if the equipment can only go up to half a meg regardless of how good your line is, surely its an up to half meg service?
Hi all,
2nd posting tonight, been scanning thru your post's.
Can you tell me what you think of these stats...........
Downstream connection speed 5696kbps
Upstream 448kbps
Line attenuation 30dbs
Noise Margin (varies) 9dbs to 15dbs.
I know the upstream speed works, sometimes faster,. downstream is nowhere near to anything........................Varies from less than Dial Up to a little over 2.5mbps.........
If you have 'just' started using your broadband i.e. connected for a few days, then it sounds like you are on ADSLMAX, the inconsistent speeds are attributed to the 10 day testing they do on ADSLMAX. After this time period your speeds should be more consistent, and if not higher. Hopefully when this happens you'll be one of the lucky ones who get a satisfactory speed e.g. 5/6 meg (which your sync rate suggests). Another indicator that you are on ADSLMAX is that for LLU users we always have download speeds at 288 consistently.
No, I have been on what ever I am on since 18th January, up until last week everything was fine and dandy (bit slow) I was getting about 5.6meg, then last Friday, the connection packed and wa loads of different speeds, think I kicked something earlt hours this morning I'm now getting around 3.5 meg, according to speed test.
Yes there are many others still stuck on 608/288 speeds, and it is significant. These speeds are NOT attributed to poor line connections or your computer setup, these speeds are solely due to you being on Oranges LLU network, and providing you with this speed.
For you to enjoy higher speeds they have to upgrade their exchanges, or you can payoff the remainder of your contract and leave for a superior ISP. When/if they will do this? No one knows, right now they will not be doing this as there is no profit to made and no immediate threat of losing vast numbers of customers (everyones tied with them for at least 12 months- since the new promotion for 'Up to 8meg' has been advertised- maybe around Nov/dec they will start to take their fists out of their ar$es and start doing something, IMHO it'll be too little too late). Check out some of my other posts- they'll shed more light into darkness that is Orange..
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