I have encountered problems clearing the balance on my account since September 2006, (in so much as you kept trying to take money from the wrong bank account at considerable expense to me months after i'd informed you of my new details. Further to this I called almost weekly trying to pay by credit card and was told at several junctures that, 'It will be cleared in the morning', 'It will clear next Wednesday', 'We don't take credit cards', 'It will clear on the 5th of the month', 'We don't have supervisors', 'We have supervisors but they don't have phones', 'There is no-one in Orange PLC more senior than me' etc...).
However, this now seems to be cleared and I have recently been 'upgraded' to the spanking new 8mb service. Imagine my dismay when I connected this evening and was greeted with a paltry 11k, (average), download speed. This is less than a tenth of the speed I was recieving when you were refusing to take money from me.
'No problem', I thought, 'I'm sure the tech support guys can sort it out, I'll give them a quick call'. Sadly, there was a large queue and I was told that 'unfortunately your call can't be taken at the moment', followed by a dial tone.
Luckily, I managed to squeeze a call in as early 11.15 p.m. and after repeating my phone number to the tech savvy gent at the other end of the phone a mere 5 times he proceeded to tell me he couldn't offer support on third party routers.
'No problem', says I, ever the optimist, 'there is no fault with the router, it's fine, it's syncing at 8mb like it should, there is obviously a line problem or a network problem',
The tech guru pretended to understand and then disappeared for 5 minutes. On his return he asked me to download a USB modem optimiser for a Thompson 330 or 3.5. He seemed undeterred at my protests that I don't have a USB modem, Thompson or otherwise and that to download the optimiser for hardware I don't have would take me the best part of the night at my current speed. He was, in a word, adamant, that this would sort the problem out.
It probably won't surprise you to learn, that it didn't. I am still here with my 11k connection.
In conclusion I would like to know what incentive there is for me to continue paying money to a company who clearly don't care about customer service once they believe a customer is contractually obligated to remain a subscriber for 12 months.
In light of your reliance on contractual obligations it is left to me to point out that paragraph 7.1 of your T&C's, (whereby you can blame BT for all your cock-ups), contravenes Schedule 2, paragraphs 1(n) & 1(p)of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999, further, the terms whereby you proclaim a minimum contract period, (specifically, section 17), contravenes paragraph 1(o) of the same.
Admittedly, this is only after a quick skim through your T&C's but I would be happy to read it more thoroughly if you so desire.
Are there any reasons why I shouldn't terminate this contract?
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