Every night from around midnight to early next morning I keep getting disconnected every 3 or 4 minutes. Clearly something is interrupting the connection. Could it be something like next door's burglar alarm? I have checked out everything electrical in my own house and that is fine. Would an NIC card and an ethernet modem slove the problem? During the day everything works fine and the night time problem only started two or Three months ago. Any views?
NOTE This problem has been sorted and others might like to know the answer. Being a bit dissatisfied with Orange (due to this problem) I opted to go onto a cheaper package (from £17.99 a month to £14.99 a month). Orange handled this change well and then sent me a new modem (perhaps thinking I was a new customer). Since installing this, using the installation disk Orange had enclosed, my problem has gone. I suspect the problem was not really with the original modem but because I was still using my old Freeserve/Wanadoo set-up and it was the change to a purely Orange set-up which worked the miracle. I hope this experience will help others with disconnection problems. Best of luck, omfashu
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