Check the main B.T. socket and if any wires are connected to IDC pins 1,3,4 or 6 then gently disconnect them from both the main socket and all extension boxes. You should only have wires connected to 2 and 5 as per the link above.
Instead of disconnecting wires in the socket, in the first instance, in the spirit of experiment, I have unplugged the telephone and fax from the line connected to the ADSL filter .
This has resulted in noise margin reduced to 4.8dB, download speed of 3949, attenuation more or less the same at 53.
Does this make sense and is it possibly the root of my trouble? If it is, then I will have to put up with it, as, believe it or not, we still have to have the fax available.
well, no, I don't have a doubler connected to the filter as such.
The fax connects to the phone outlet on the filter and the phone connects into the connection on the rear of the fax - so technically there is only one connection into filter.
So it would appear that the fax etc may be the cause of the problem as the figures were better with nothing else connected - so I guess we'll just have to put up with it. The curious thing is, that it is only since the 'upgrade' that it has been so noticieably worse - the fax etc have always been connected and have always basically worked!!!
sorry, have been very busy with 'stuff' for the past week oo so, and have only just located spare filter; will do this later.
But in the meantime, the 'improvements' made by Orange to the service are becoming more and more unlikely and unbelievable; yet again this morning, within about 10 minutes of connecting, the connection dropped and the dreaded page 'http408/409 server too busy to display the page' advice appeared - and no, one cannot refresh the page, have to close down and re-connect; this is becoming a pain, together with the connection flowing like molasses ie slowly. All this has noticeably become far worse since the 'improvements' and the merger with whoever it was - I suspect they simply have too much traffic and not sufficient capacity to deal with it.
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