Hi, i'm new here. I've been viewing the forums for quite a while now, but have decided to sign up to tell you my story....
I've been with WannaFreeOrange since '01 and have had a few minor issues since then, but nothing that couldn't be sorted out within a few hours.
From about September last year, I was looking forward to being on a LLU service with speeds up to 8mb, and considering my close proximity (540mtrs) to the exchange (In E London) I was expecting high speeds.
I am an amateur synoptic meteorologist who views a lot of weather charts online, and some of these are 8-9mb in size, so I was looking forward to getting these images up on my fast pc even quicker. I'm currently running Windows Vista RC1 and have therefore rendered their Speedtouch modem useless, as the software doesn't support Windows Vista yet (Orange:- Take note, Vista is going to be a BIG problem from Nov 06 onwards, as your Livebox or Speedtouch driver don't support Vista!)
I've been using a Belkin F5d7632UK4 V2000 wireless modem router for a year with no problems, using PPPoA encapsulation as the connection.
Up until 21st July this year I was on the 2mb 30Gb £27.99 month plan, and thats when the problems started.
I got the Orange email, 30 mins disconnection etc etc. Tbh, I was out during the period when the internet was upgraded (Screwed more like!)
On Sat July 22nd the problems started.
I've been connected at speeds between 50kbs and 2870kbs depending on the time of day. I have been disconnected nearly every night after 9pm, and not been able to re-connect until midnight at the earliest, if at all.
Cue untold amounts of phone calls to cust support... Whoosh this, test that and that... Still no difference.
So eventually I decided to request my LLU MAC code, which surprisingly I received within 5 working days.
The problems with the connection stayed though, and sometimes got worse by disconnecting during the daytime as well.
On Bank Holiday Monday I decided enough was enough and contacted cust support to cancel my BB with them. I got put through to the care team and spoke to someone very helpful who questioned me about leaving. I insisted that I definately wanted to leave. The offers started rolling in then
1. Given 5 alternative usernames for logging in (That all work!)
2. Monthly cost reduced to £17.99
3. No more 30Gb month limit, now unlimited
4. New Livebox with free landline calls 24hrs (Except I can't use it yet)
And (touch wood) the BB service has got more and more reliable since
One last thing, I use PPPoE encapsulation now, and have noticed a significant speed/reliability improvement.
Final thought- If your having problems complain, then complain some more, then say your cancelling.
On Bank Holiday Monday I decided enough was enough and contacted cust support to cancel my BB with them. I got put through to the care team and spoke to someone very helpful who questioned me about leaving. I insisted that I definately wanted to leave. The offers started rolling in then
1. Given 5 alternative usernames for logging in (That all work!)
2. Monthly cost reduced to £17.99
3. No more 30Gb month limit, now unlimited
4. New Livebox with free landline calls 24hrs (Except I can't use it yet)
Looks like the desperation to keep the unhappy customers is kicking in.
Not even the promise of Orange paying me to use their crap service would buy me over.
Looks like the desperation to keep the unhappy customers is kicking in.
Not even the promise of Orange paying me to use their crap service would buy me over.
..could maybe explain why the 3 MAC codes I've received so far don't work... doing everything they can to delay us leaving, now mysteriously after 7 1/2 weeks of nothing.... broadband seems to be working again... at 7.6 MBs
They'll still probably say...oh the MAC codes are a BT issue, not us (yeah right!!) and the only way to migrate elsewhere is to cancel & get reconnected - this will take a few weeks and about £40, so it would be cheaper and better to stay...
er...nope! They have already shown their true colours, more of a s#itty brown than Orange. If this is how they operate there aren't enough wild horses in this world to drag me back to those tossers, no wonder they are offering free broadband...as that's all it's worth.
PocketRocket did someone from Orange suggest the PPPoE connection or did you just try that yourself? As far as I'm aware it's all PPPoA.
Also the Speedtouch drivers for Vista isn't really all that much to do with Orange, it's Speedtouch themselves who have to make the drivers, they're usually fairly good at releasing them, although it's usually a little after the system comes out, maybe a month or two.
PocketRocket did someone from Orange suggest the PPPoE connection or did you just try that yourself? As far as I'm aware it's all PPPoA.
It was something I tried through desperation for faster, more reliable BB, and it worked, and still does
Also the Speedtouch drivers for Vista isn't really all that much to do with Orange, it's Speedtouch themselves who have to make the drivers, they're usually fairly good at releasing them, although it's usually a little after the system comes out, maybe a month or two.
I partly agree, however, Joe Public who signs up for BB wouldn't know that his modem was manufactured by Thompson, and would only seek answers from Orange. Volume Licensing begins in 2 months, so most new PC's purchased after that date will be running Vista.
I partly agree, however, Joe Public who signs up for BB wouldn't know that his modem was manufactured by Thompson, and would only seek answers from Orange. Volume Licensing begins in 2 months, so most new PC's purchased after that date will be running Vista.
Yeah well as I said they're fairly good with drivers, just not as soon as the OS comes out. Though that could change because of the importance of Vista, XP 64 and OSX 10 weren't as big. (purely in number of users) Orange can always use the get out clause that they don't support it though I don't think they'll wait long to offer support once the final version is released. Anyway we'll have to wait and see how things turn out.
On Bank Holiday Monday I decided enough was enough and contacted cust support to cancel my BB with them. I got put through to the care team and spoke to someone very helpful who questioned me about leaving. I insisted that I definately wanted to leave. The offers started rolling in then
1. Given 5 alternative usernames for logging in (That all work!)
2. Monthly cost reduced to £17.99
3. No more 30Gb month limit, now unlimited
4. New Livebox with free landline calls 24hrs (Except I can't use it yet)
Looks like the desperation to keep the unhappy customers is kicking in.
Not even the promise of Orange paying me to use their crap service would buy me over.
it's just a retentions deal to keep customers. Every company does it when you want to cancel. It's nothing to do with unhappy customers. It helps companies remain competitive against their rivals if they can offer the relatively small amount of their 'cancelling' customers better packages than their advertised packages, and those advertised by their rivals to the general public.
On Bank Holiday Monday I decided enough was enough and contacted cust support to cancel my BB with them. I got put through to the care team and spoke to someone very helpful who questioned me about leaving. I insisted that I definately wanted to leave. The offers started rolling in then
1. Given 5 alternative usernames for logging in (That all work!)
2. Monthly cost reduced to £17.99
3. No more 30Gb month limit, now unlimited
4. New Livebox with free landline calls 24hrs (Except I can't use it yet)
Looks like the desperation to keep the unhappy customers is kicking in.
Not even the promise of Orange paying me to use their crap service would buy me over.
it's just a retentions deal to keep customers. Every company does it when you want to cancel. It's nothing to do with unhappy customers. It helps companies remain competitive against their rivals if they can offer the relatively small amount of their 'cancelling' customers better packages than their advertised packages, and those advertised by their rivals to the general public.
If the customer wasn't "unhappy" then the customer wouldn't want to cancel through lack of service, therefore Orange wouldn't have to offer better packages.
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