I had been a Wanadoo customer with a Speedtouch 330 modem and 1MB connection and life was sweet. Then I was swayed and got myself the Orange Livebox and my problems began.
Intermittent connections, slow speeds and yet the Livebox indicated all was well, in desparation I reinstalled the USB Speedtouch modem and everything returned to normal but with the increased connection speed of between 1.8 and 2,5 MB.
I have just installed the latest UBUNTU Ubuntu 7.10 - the Gutsy Gibbon - released in October 2007 and found getting the O/S to recognise the USB Speedtouch wasn't working so I thought I'd give the Livebox a try. Amazingly it worked straight away no configuration required!! and faultless connections, reliable and fast.
Judging by the number of users who have all had similar Livebox issues with connections I suggest give UBUNTU a try it's free, easy to install and finally makes my Livebox work.
i doubt ubuntuu made your livebox work, the reason you did not have to put in your username and password to configure is because they were already in there from your previous attemp. Also things may have changed since the last time the livebox was in use, eg your local exchange may have been updated etc since the last time you used your livebox.
Only other thing i can think of is that your copy of windows was malfunctioning, hence the livebox may have not worked properly.
My comments regarding configuration extend to more that just username and password, I refer to getting UBUNTU to recognise the Livebox and the fact that I did not need to setup / amend any network settings under the new OS as these were all picked up from the Windows XP install, this was not the case with the USB Speedtouch which did require various install routines whcih were not well documented.
The local exchange has not had any update in terms of speed and the rural location in which I live is quite likely well down the update schedule for BT.
Finally I cannot accept that my Windows install was behind my Livebox issues as numerous posts on this forum attest to similar issues and less than helpful suggestions from Orange support as to how they can be diagnosed, and my Speedtouch connection being faultlessly reliable hence my ditching the Livebox.
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