I have my livebox set up to this computer via a wired ethernet cable. It is allowing me access to the internet and I can browse various sites but for some reason it is picking and choosing what I can and cannot access. When I set it up there was definately no firewall or security placed on either the router or my computer. For instance, if I try and play a game it will work for 10 minutes then It will lagg then disconect, the same with MSN messanger on ocasions. The only way to get the connection working again is to reboot. When I got to my network places I can see that the nvidia network cable is connected but something above it called "internet gateway" is disabled and it will NEVER enable. Sometimes its not there which is when it works, but when it is visable the connection doesnt work.
This problem is weird, and i've never seen or heard of anything like it before? Could it be to do with the DHCP?
I cannot access the livebox itself either at the moment, somethign I could always do until recently.
Well normally once the DHCP is set it's licenced for about 24 hours so shouldn't cause any disconnections itself. As long as the Nvidia connection is showing as connected it should be able to access the livebox. Try it again and if it's not letting you have access check it's status, support tab and see what address type and IP it's showing.
It lets me have access for long periods except when i want to play differant online games, its very odd. It is pretty much always connected but its as if the livebox doesn;t want me to game, I dont understand it. It will lag and disconect when asked to do something that takes effort.
Borwsing the web is fine though.
I dont think its a problem with the ethernet cable as its doing the same with the wireless aswell. It never had the problem before until recently, and is really frustrating.
Ahh that could possibly be down to port forwarding. Some games need it setup to work correcty at all, some will let you play and then you'll lag out and drop. This may help...
thanks, I tried port forwarding, set it up but the same issue were happening.
Im starting to think it could be an external line problem. The people is the indian call centre's are useless so I really hate having to call up. The last 3 problems I have had i've more or less had to work out by myself. This one appears to be a bridge too far though, really havn't got a clue whats going on.
Browsing and downloading is absolutely fine no problems, but when I start up a game the latency slowly starts to increase and then bang the connection resets and I have to reboot, truely odd. Its not jsut one game either, its various differant games using differant clients. Its as if the lien cannot handle a period of say 30 minutes of conistent use and jsut gives up. The line has always been pretty solid though and I've never had any problems like this on it, ive been a customer of this service for about 3 years. Livebox seems to have countless problems.
Ok so you lose connection when playing.
What specifically happens, you come out and does anything work at all online?
Does the connection still show as connected?
As I mentioned before what does the address type and IP show then?
Can you ping
Can you just restart the PC/disable and enable the network connection to get the connection back and working?
Yeah, basically it disconects me from the internet as a whole.
I can see my latency going up and up( which is ping, lagg whatever you want to call it) and eventaully it hits red and I get disconected from the game and the whole internet. No browsing no gaming, no nothing. This ONLY happens when I try and game.
I set a static IP from yesterday which is
Sub mask:
default gateway:
DNS server:
Those were the details I got when i did ipconfig/all from the CMD so I set them as that when portforwarding the game.
More often than not when the internet disconects I will have to restart the PC or go and turn off the livebox and turn it back on. Thats the only way to get it working again. It auto connects on startup and the itnernet is back until I want to game.
Not sure how you ping, I put it in the address bar and it takes me to google in a flash.
Ping is like ipconfig. Just type it in the command prompt eg:
If that works after the connection dies then something very funny is going on, points at the PC being the cause.
Use wired for this next bit.
When the connection dies go to Control Panel > Network Connections, right click the Local Area Connection (or whatever it's called) and select disable. After a few seconds or so right click and select enable.
Does that bring back the connection?
Ok if that ping was after the connection died then it shows it's still there and points to a couple of other possibilities.
Try the same again to make sure it's still getting replies the next time but also do:
ping www.google.com
If that gives no replys then it could be a DNS issue which you can try manually setting it:
Goto Network Connections,
Right click the connection you're using and go into the properties,
Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click properties,
Change the bottom option to use the following and enter the DNS addresses from the Orange settings link at the top of this page.
You may need to restart to see if this helps at all.
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