Orange are now giving this out as a solution for 90% of cases, they have started sending out usb modem in an effort to sort the problem.Which is one of the things we're specifically told not to do.
For the past two weeks ive had the dreaded PPP server down problem. Several of the famous line tests done that gave no results and many calls to Orange. Still nothin. Last night however we rang them a ...
Just to add to that mine aims for a 6 db target magin but when line conditions are good it can sometimes be as high as 10. THis would give me well over 6 meg but instead the line is set to sync at 563 ...
Congratulations new it would come for you eventually. Its funny that everyone doughted me when i first got my speed increse above 2.7 meg a while bac ...
Having a bit of a problem - was all working normally until a few days ago when suddenly I couldn't get an internet connection, but could still link wirelessly and via ethernet to the Livebox. I ...
Lol I made the most of the higher speeds lol. Downloading at just over 600 kilobytes per second was very very nice. Now am back down to downloading at 330 kilobytes per second.
Yes as you say Keith someone must have accidently put the " correct" setting for the line. Makes me laugh. Speedtest now just now comes out at 2.72 meg. But now we all know they can provide ...