Having a bit of a problem - was all working normally until a few days ago when suddenly I couldn't get an internet connection, but could still link wirelessly and via ethernet to the Livebox. I ...
Elhana - many thanks for your helpful advice. I changed the channel, as advised, to number 3 and it now works beautifully! Maybe this should be included in the Bramely Apple tutorial?
Again, many thanks or your help on this. I'll give this a try tonight. I'm also going to try connecting my PSP and Xbox 360 (via Xbox live) wirelessly. Hopefully I will have some success...
Yes I tried a few things last night and it does sometimes list the Livebox (not often) but when I enter the WEP it doesn't allow me in! I have it set up to WEP only on the configuration pages. I will ...
Thanks Elhana - i will try that tonight. I have been copy and pasting the WEP key into the Airport box when trying to connect, but it just won't accept it. I will try other channels on the configurati ...
I have just got Orange broadband with Livebox. I have been using the famous Bramley Apple tutorial to set it up on my Powerbook and have managed to set it up an get a connection via etherne ...
Thanks for that - what do you mean by changing the channel dropdown? Somebobody has suggested that I reconnect via ethernet and look at the wireless settings, make a note of the WEP key the livebox is ...
I have just got Orange broadband with Livebox. I have been using the famous Bramley Apple tutorial to set it up on my Powerbook and have managed to set it up an get a connection via ethernet ...