Quick update though, the live box is a good idea and deserves a better look at its basic ideas are OK it the software that is nearly always the problem, at least thats what I have found.
Oh, OK then the CD is now different to france, they add a firewall, and other bits like a poor child protection thing, that is useless, they add other bits and pieces that basically if you are not on ...
So they do not use the livebox now in the UK, they are not using it?
I thought that we were talking livebox here. You are not telling me that the livebox is now received all programmed up!! Are you ...
Easier!! How easy is the following, open IE, type in at the top 192.168.xxxxx,
select sign in which is admin admin as pasword, put in your address and password, possibly along the lines fti/xxxxxx, ...
If it is not in your contract that they gave you and they made no point in bringing it to your attention then go to the fair trading and the telecoms people.
If also they bought it in AFTER you sig ...
Here in france and its the same in the UK Orange give you a silly CD that here in France frequently has conflicts with XP and Vista Mondial. It seems OK with only French versions. But my question is w ...