This turned out all right because when I told them the Livebox was dead they sent me another at no charge and it works OK, I can get my laptop on my Wifi network now, although not my wireless printer. ...
When I told them the Livebox was completely dead they said they'd send a new one in a few days, no charge. They want the old one posted back to them in a reply-paid bag that comes with the new one, al ...
The attainable shows that, even if you were on ADSL Max you couldn't get a 1.5 meg profile, best you'd get would be 1 or 1.25meg.Have you considered working for Orange technical support?
I think the man who phoned me just explained in a Janet and John way what was going on with the line and what he meant was, the connection would be unstable ("damaged") at a h ...
"It’s faults or line damage in the pots unused at 1 or 2Mbps that crop up when people upgrade and as annoying as those may be, BT engineers only have to seek to provide ...
If this is total bullshít, should I complain in writing? Should I complain to ISPA? Is it possible at all that the line was being damaged by my connection?
and so, they've lowered me to 0.6MB. It worked fine for Three years at 1.45MB, but they say I can't have anything faster than 0.6 because it was damaging the line?
I complained in writing to Orange and got the same fob off bull***t response, so then I complained to ISPA two weeks ago, (mainly about Orange fobbing me off) and I haven't heard back.