AFAIK LLU provisions/migrations aren't just left alone if they go wrong, they continue to sort it out so it may be that they just fixed whatever problem occured originally so it can now be migrated/cl ...
By involving OFCOM and ISPA it means Orange cannot palm them off with the usual excuses they patronise custmores with like 'ring back in 2 days'.
They will have to give them a reason which in turn ...
I don't think an online forum can give an accurate measurement of people who are unable to get online. By the very nature of the complaint I would ass ...
Ofcom would be the ones who generally intervene with tagging but it depends exactly what's gone wrong and their involvement may make little difference.
And... I nearly forgot to mention that in the beginning, their helpful Technical Support staff had me uninstalling, reinstalling, setting the Livebox back to manufacturers settings. Which, of cour ...
They will pass your query on to Orange who then have to contact you within 5 days. You will get a nice letter but I can't guarantee you will get online.