ok seems to me that 3 days is far too quick, i sugguest you contact Orange and speak to the provisioning team to confirm this with them OR contact BT tags online and ask them to confirm whether its or ...
Yeah looks as although the cabling may be new the line takes a long route to the exchange, thats why it's got the high attenuation. You're on ADSL Max so it will go as fast as it can on your line. It' ...
Your attenuation value indicates a cable length of around 4.5km. You can find the location of your exchange on www.samknows.com, armed with that information you can work out an estimated dis ...
I have just moved from a country village to a Big Town with a better equiped exchange and everything and i was getting full 8 Meg in the village and ive moved, and Orange first said i could only get 5 ...
Hi Guys, when i got my wireless and talk service and my livebox i rang up Orange Customer Services and asked them to manually activate it, and they ask you for the Serial Number of the livebox, and th ...
I have a livebox and use a BT Cordless Phone with it, and i have not had any problems, the quality is very good, never had any problems with people hearing me or vice versa.
Well i dont agree with the contact being extended or created for 12 months if you have the upgrade, because i originally signed up for the UPTO 8 Meg Service, and its not my fault that i could not get ...
I have rang Orange, and they have confirmed that i will get 8 Meg ADSL Max Service within 10 days and that it has gone through, and will be activated within 10 days.
Thanks for the reply, i have submittd the upgrade online yesterday, and havent recieved any confirmation email as yet, online it ses that it is being processed, but i wont believe it till i see it!!
Thanks for the reply, i just find it very strange, as i wasnt automatically upgraded to it, i had to go into my account to upgrade?! i went over to 2 meg about 3 months ago, and they told me then that ...
I live in a village in kent, and i know that my exchange isnt LLU enable for any provider at the moment, but ADSL Max is, and Orange told me a few months ago that i would get ADSL Max if they co ...
I live in Kent, and i have been with Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange for a good few years and when i upgraded to 8 meg from 1 meg i have recieved a stable 2 meg