You don't mention how long ago you left Orange but I suspect your problem relates to the fact that when you left your account was made Dial Up. Dial Up Accounts remain active for about 250 days or th ...
Just moved house gave BT 10 working days notice of my move and they moved the phone on Tue 9 as requested and my broadband on Wed 10, one day late but they did say sorry.
I didn't cancel my mobile with Orange as it wasn't tied to my Broadband Contract. But it I will be changing from Orange to anyone else just as soon as I can without incurring any penal ...
If you speak to BT they should be able to tell you what the maximum speed your line is capable of by running a simple test. You could always be a bit devious and suggest you are thinking of moving to ...
Don't think so had over 900 in my spam box before Orange finally closed my account and that was with some pretty serios filters sending most spam straight to the bin.
No you are not unique - that's the way they treat the vast majority of their customers and why so many on here are unhappy with Orange or have seen the light and moved elsewhere.
I can still access my old Freeserve email address through the Orange Homepage and it's always a pleasure to see that I'm still getting an average of ...
I moved to BT when Orange were unable or unwilling to resolve my lack of connection problem. The process was fairly painless and BT were quick to identify that I had a connection problem and sent an ...
For what it's worth, I'd look for a different ISP. After problems with my connection I left Orange and was rewarded with a slightly faster connection went from 512 to 1mb - still not fast but live to ...
I'd been with then since Freeserve days without problems then my connection dropped out. Over a period of 3 weeks, I contacted Orange by phone and mail on ...
You could try writing to Mike Newnham Vice President Orange Home at the registered office in St Albans and tell him your problems. He is too important to lower himself to write back but your letter w ...