Hi I just joined - I'm not with Wandoo buit found that lately Fsnet emails weren't getting to my Hotmail account - also they aren't getting to my alternative Yahoo email either - the sender can't be g ...
nyways. lesking, i have read about these services but i dont really want to fork out any more monthly pay. there are already too many standing orders and adding one more will be it.
Thats right in theory there is only one email address its very basic it would be better to open 2 GMail accounts and pop enable them they are very configurable but of course that means changing your e ...
My address was like this anyone@whatever43.freeserve.co.uk that was ur main address but you could put whatever u want before the @ and it would get to you which Orange called unlimited email addresses ...
the emails you have already downloaded on the ticked PC will not download and will stay on the server as they have already been downloaded once and they are copies