i am on ip stream max
ADSL firmware version : A2pBT009c1.d17d
Connection mode : G.DMT
Type : Interleave
Noise margin (dB) : 15.0
Attenuation (dB) : 24.0
Attainable download rate (kbps) : 1 ...
Hi sorry if this question seems dumb but its just something i have been puzzled about for some time now. I called up Orange to complain about my ongoing speed issues and i told the nice man on the pho ...
Hi i am just wondering if there would be a reason why interleave is turned on on my line for i always sync at 7616mbs never below the only thing that goes up and down sometime is the noise margin so i ...
Phoned Orange again they say they are now aware of the problem and that the problem is nationwide. They say that people are working very hard to sort this problem out and gave me a 15 days sort out ti ...
Hi phoned up Orange tech today and they said that a line test had been issued on the 31st of march and that the results had not come back and they can take up to 10 days. Now as a question what are ev ...
Hi after almost 2 weeks of phoneing Orange i have still not got anywhere on monday last week they addmitted there was a line fault and that BT are currently working on it i phoned up every day since a ...
Hello here is an update on the problem
Phones Orange last thursday they did a woosh test then said yes i should be getting 8mb then send a complaint to BT i was asked to phone back the next day to sa ...
Hello thanks for your replys i belive i have a stuck profile for i have always syncd at 7616 never any less so i have emailed Orange. What do u think they will do about it will they fix it straight aw ...
Hello again It has now been around 3 months since i first connected to Orange broadband. I have found out today that if i use the test plug under the master plug my Noise margin (dB) went up to 17.9 s ...
Hi i am now on my 11th day since being on the broadband service and my speedtest results are
Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
IP profile for your line is - ...