I have exactly the same problem as you - same up/down speed (except that I'm not on LLU but theoretically ADSLmax) but being capped to an apparently fixed 1meg service even though max att ...
Thanks very much for clarifying that. Yes my situation is not as you describe - I sync at 1152/288 and its never changed. I think my problem is more one of a cock up between BTw and Orange ...
I can't get my max 'attainable speed' as reported by livebox below 8500kps even with some dodgy cable (its normally >10500kps). However in all cases the down ...
Hmmm interesting... I have the same problem and seem to have fixed 1000 - I'll give it a go (see my post in tech section "I can't believe it"). However before getting too excited it could ... - you seem to know what you're talking about. How do you know about WUK - Do you work for Orange or did you just have a similar problem? What does WUK stand for?
I have exactly the same problem as you (except I'm on IPSTREAM 1meg) - and reached the same conclusions as you - see my last post in your previous thread.
Well got the reply from the CAT team (via email to Joanna at CS, who has been excellent in getting back to me, ringing me up etc) - "lots of tests have been done and because the results of these ...
Apparently this case has been escalated to the 'CAT team' (Provisions aren't the right people apparently) so I'm waiting with bated breath.... was told to expect to expect an answer ...