Hi trev159 if you do a speedtest every 2 hours and write it down then when you phone for your line test results you can quote the time and speeds.
ps what are your line stats
My speed is still all over the place Orange told me to do a speed test every 2 hours and they will get back to me in 2 or 3 days it's now 6 days and I'm still waiting on them to phone
I just had phone call from Orange they say BT did speedtest on my line and they get 7.9 mb 7.5mb 7.7 mb 6.6mb quoting me times and dates.I now have to do a speedtest every 2 hours for the next 3 days ...
Hi Elhana last night at 8pm my speed was 96k i phoned Orange today and she said something about congestion on my line they are doing a line test and i have to phone back tomorrow
Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
IP profile for your line is - 6500 kbps
DSL connection rate: 448 kbps(UP-STREAM) 8096 kbps(DOWN-STREAM)
Actual I ...
I also have slow adsl max speed in the morning 7.30 am i get 6mb but as the day goes on the speed is up and down 10am about 900k then 2pm 2.5mb last night at 8pm i got 96k