From personla experience, all i ever get is that it's a fault with either my equipment or my line, yet what ever they try to do it can't be solved - so are Orange trying to sort things - doesn't look ...
Andy, having run many a sales team / call centre and other targeted sales operations in the past, you'll find that it's quite common for the sales guys to 'omit' the bits of information they feel may ...
If he's on dialup then so long as he's not held by a contract to a time period, simply get onto BT and they'll get the broadband set up for you. Swapping dila up to broadband is easy as there's no mig ...
Ok, so tonight is meant to be my last night with this poxy service before it gets migrated elsewhere. I've finally got a connection today, been trying all sorts since 7am with no luck, so i thought i' ...
One thing i've found though, is that if you request to be put through to escalations they can actually request your code on it's own rather than being put through ...
Thought i'd phone this morning to see if they'd received my MAC code already, as after speaking to an independent he advised that BT wholesale generally get them out within 12 hours of request so i fi ...
The problem is not specific email addresses being blocked, it's the entire Orange / Wannadoo / Freeserve ip ranges that are being blocked, and by lots of spam catchers and mail services.
One of the major problems with BB right now is that too many companies are offering free broadband and working on stupidly high ratios of customers to connection ports. This causes all kinds of proble ...
Exactly my problem!!! How do I fix it!?
Ask them for a migration code and move to someone that will actually give a toss about your issue, what ever you do don't hold on for the fix that never comes ...
I think i've had more response and seen more common sense in the posts that have followed my original one than i've had from Orange in the last 3 weeks.