Undelivered message bounces or NDR's (Non Delivery Returns) may not be sent back to the original sender if the message is blocked at SMTP server level. Also mailserver admins are increasingly not allo ...
Given Orange's level of cluelessness, (last time I looked they were still allowing 'out of office' NDR bounces for instance), the best thing anyone can do is to migrate to a smaller, more switched on ...
One possibility is that the recipient's mailserver has blacklisted the Orange IP range & is not set to bounce. Have you tried several different recipients? (i.e. on different domains).
There are several broadband sections in the forum but no dedicated email/webmail section although it's quite an important part of the Orange 'service' and a source of many complaints/problems. Just wo ...
At present the webmail routing filters do not act on any emails that are tagged as ***SPAM*** by the spam filters, (the spam filters route any tagged spam direct to the Inbox (Default) or to the Junkm ...
The purpose of the microfilters is to prevent any interaction between the 'baseband' telephone system and the ADSL 'carrier' so everything you have plugged into the telephone line, (skybox, fax, gamep ...
I wouldn't necessarily expect Spamcop to reply as it has nothing directly to do with them and they certainly couldn't do anything about it. Spamcop are just a compiler of statistical data relating to ...
Thats a bit iffy, if Orange have asked BT to remove the DACs and they are doing so (although slowly) then they're doing all that they can. As the line's no provided there's no penalty what so ever for ...
My line was also DACS'ed and it was removed as part of the ADSL order process. In my experience, BT generally will not remove DACS boxes at a customers request unless you are unusually persistent, how ...