The IP profile doesn't restrict your sync speeds, only your throughput. You should be able to sync at the highest possible speed based on line condition at the time of sync and your profile will be ad ...
My profile has now been increased to 2500 given my sync speeds. But it seems my target SNR is set at 15db so as of yet I cannot sync any higher in order to up my profile.
saayinla, I use my own Draytek router to connect to the Internet so I don't have a Livebox, thanks for the advice though. I've tried factory resets on the Draytek and it has no effect.
most likely is that your not on the correct profile for your line. Tell them about your stats and make them aware that you know what you can achieve and why - most noteably your noise margin whist plu ...
I think MABR is the speed which your modem and the DSLAM agree is the maximum speed that can be obtained given your line conditions at a particular time. (Noise margin, attenuation, bit errors etc.)
Del, interleaving is set on mine at 64 bits. Not quite as deep as yours though. The profile seems to be some kind a stability profile that the DLM has put us on for some reason or other. In my case I ...
It seems to work in a similar way to the BT system. It's just saying that it moves profiles based on your line conditions and reported attainable bitrate between you and the DSLAM overtime.