I agree with you whole heartily marshapc. I myself can’t wait for my year contract to finish so I can ‘jump ship’. I always thought companies couldn’t blatantly lie to their customers, but Wan ...
Thanks for your time and troubles in replying Elhana, it’s as I thought, I’m up the creek with out the preverbal paddle! Still I’ve only got Three months before I jump ship, it’s a shame as I ...
Much appreciated Elhana. With the chances of me looking like a p**t, do I phone BT or Orange? If it’s Orange they been running a line test since 15th March, its go lost in the system somewhere and O ...
If you're not on LLU then yes 2 meg is the most you will get for now. Roughly November is when ADSL Max comes in allowing upto 8 meg for everyone not in an LLU area.
Hi one and all
Can anyone help, I only live 155 meters from my exchange, had my BT line upgraded and I can only ascertain 2.2Mbs. Is this right with the readings below?
Hello fellow moaners and groaners. I like most others I have issues with Orange/Wanadoo, and hit by that brick wall where it cost you a bomb on the telephone to be given different story’s each time ...
Whish I could change my ISP, I live next door to my exchange, had my phone line upgraded but still only getting 2meg and all Wanadoo tell me “all we can do is test my line”. Over 5 months I had my ...