Hello Ron
the answer to your question is a problem with updating flash on Macromedia website
Thats it working now...thank you.
I was being redirected to the wrong place every time i got the me ...
Thanks for your reply Elhana,
I thought you might have been onto something there......
I reset my security to the lowest level which is medium(using IE7),then went to advanced tab,and "restored ...
Is that on Max or LLU?
Just checked up on my exchange and it is Max - also states that LLU is not available.
Now i just need to find out what LLU means.
My downstream has always fluctuated wildly since i upgraded to the 8Mb service last November - once it even dipped below my fixed upstream speed,and was only 343Kbs.
I used to get random dis ...
Try using Windows Zero Config instead
Can you explain what this is please,as i am having a similar problem when rebooting,as described in my post [url=http://www.orangeproblems.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtop ...
Are you using the "proprietary" s/ware that came with your PC adapter? If so, is your version of Windows actually trying to use this s/ware to connect?I have had problems on an "older ...