Won't work if the connection turns off at set times, he needs to check what the @ light is doing at those times if its solid he needs to check for interference like cordless phones and stuff like that
The Orange CD contains no setup software only drivers for the Speed Touch 121g wireless adapter and the Wanadoo CD contains the drivers for the Inventel adapter,
We had a problem with the servers today its possible it could be still effecting you though i doubt it since they were all brought back up from what im aware of, it does sound like a line issue you co ...
You need to use there domain name so for example Orange's is @fs so randomagent3.orangehome.co.uk@fs, each ISP will have diffrerent ring there support for help.
following a factory reset the @ light will flash slowly, this is because you aren't sync'd but the connection is attempting or waiting for something to happen (as in it needs your user name)
Belkin adapters are notorious for this kind of thing, they have there own software to configure the connection and as a result they over-ride windows connecting it as windows is a submissive program. ...
Orange has a permanent staff on fault call backs that contact people who need them such as those that need an engineer or those unable to connect for long periods of time,
A replacement Livebox costs Orange around 100 pounds per, so we have to be sure that is the issue and let me tell you if the Livebox is broken it lets you know it wont enter programation mode thats wh ...