ITs just the broadband connection that drops its still connected to the Livebox. Its been so far today but last night was a nightmare, constantly dropping the connection. Im guessing it is the BT sock ...
Yue p all connected up properly, filters on all the equipment. I think i've solved the signal strength issue, i regularly get 70-80% on chan13 but it hasn't solved my disconnect problems. dunno what t ...
ok so i'm still getting disconnected!! Phone Orange tech support they told me that it was due to my cordless phone being too closed to my livebox. Have since moved the Livebox to another phone point a ...
cool thanks for the info on the capping guys! Any advice on how to switch the channel of my router? I live in a second floor appartment and my iBook picks up 4 other wireless networks so i guess that ...
cool thanks for the info! any tips on how to change the channel? ...also by the info I posted does it look like I'm capped on my download speed like I keep reading some are? If so is it a long painful ...
Hi guys i'm having real trouble with my Livebox 8mb connection, particularly with my xbox360 disconnecting a lot. I get the same probs with my iBook but less often. According to iStumbler my signal is ...