It does get to 22,786 when i reduce my SN Margin to about 2.But becomes unstable.So I leave my SN Margin at default and remain stable and sync as below:
Orange tried to take money from my account via direct debit.It was cancelled by my bank.They did this eventhough they already sent me a return paid post packet for their equipment, c ...
They would tell u the usual crap.I think its normal procedure when a customer under contract requests a MAC.You have to make them know how horrible their service has been and repeat it as often as you ...
For once they were right, you can either get a MAC or cancel, not both, when the migration process takes place your account should be cancelled anyway (it's worth checking). I got my MAC last night an ...
Once you give your MAC to your new provider when you order they will arrange the migration and tell you when it will be don't cancel your account with Orange till your migration is completed (about 10 ...
Same with me.I just got off the phone.They say I would have to incur the charge.I said yes and they put me thru to a lady.She did not say anymore about the fee.I do not know if they have waived it.I h ...