I know the feeling PDoherty76, I also had similar problems with my broadband with Orange, and like you, left them well over a year ago now. I did move to Sky, unfortunately Sky didnt directly cover my ...
I also used to be with Orange, and for a little while, my broadband was great. Some people may remember my previous posts, with all the problems I had.
To see how bad Orange can get, see my thread on link below :
Take my advice and leave Orange, they are better providers out there that won ...
To see how bad Orange can get, see my thread on link below :
Take my advice and leave Orange, they are better providers out there that won ...
They probably haven't actually capped you, its more that their equipment at the phone exchange cannot handle the traffic at peak times.
I used to be with Orange and for year or so it was fine. Then I ...
To see how bad Orange can get, see my thread on link below :
Take my advice and leave Orange, they are better providers out there that won ...
After I had sent my letter to Orange threatening legal action against them if they tried to pursue this money (which, according to them, was phone calls to Sky, all of it, as they reckoned they still ...
It is probably too much congestion at peak times on the Orange equipment at the phone exchange, if off-peak you can get normal speed.
Orange will tell you its a line problem, but then, if its a line ...
If they said the line is capable of 7meg, then I suggest changing ISP provider. Orange told me that switching provider would not make my line any better, that it was BT's fault, or the phone exchange, ...
haza555, I was having exactly the same problem. Unless you are happy to stay like this, it won't change, and yes, Orange throttle people at peak times.
I switched to Sky 3 months ago, and have not ha ...
Orange cap customers, like they did with me, even if you are low usage. I was using less than 1gb per month but yet my connection speed sucked at peak times. 17kb/s is not exactly broadband. Good luck ...
Put in writing (email executive.office@orange-ftgroup.com) that you have not had a broadband connection since signing up on "give date" and as this is in excess of 30 days it is a breach of ...
stevenb9275, your best option is to leave Orange.
They will tell you all sorts to keep you there like its the phone exchange, or phone line, etc.
Since I left Orange and went to Sky, my internet has ...