Well done Peter T for getting Orange to admit to a problem. They seem to be taking long enough to resolve it! The longer they take the more likely I am to ditch them in May as the slightly increased ...
Have been okay so far this afternoon, but it is looking more and more as though I'm going to ditch Orange when my contract expires this coming May. Their customer service is abysmal.
Like others who have posted I have recently had intermittent problems accessing my emails from the 'pop. orangehome.co.uk' server. These only seem to occur when i try to download from the Orange serv ...
It seems there are so many people exeriencing the sending problem at the moment, whether using Outlook or Outlook Express. This morning Orange has finally admitted by email to me that there is a pro ...
I have been having problems sending emails since 10 March. I use Vista and Outlook 2007. My connection is Broadband 2MBPS. ISP is Orange and I only have the one "fsnet" address. Until 10 ...