I had a problem with my Dell Streak as the Livebox SSID was not visible. I had to add the hidden Wi-Fi connection to the Streak by doing the following:
Seems you are asking this question elsewhere and have provided more info Everything else I got connected to the Livebox works. So that includes, laptop, Wii, Xbox 360, DS, iPod Touch. It seems I have ...
Hi Stuart, if you received letter advising that you were being capped due to End User Speed Control and they issued you a MAC code then there should be no cancellation fee - either contact customer su ...
It may be that you have one of the new Orange ip addresses which is not yet recognised by the site you are trying to access? In which case this could be a dns server issue which is not of Orange's mak ...
This can also be caused by electrical interference. It may be due to christmas lights, central heating systems, garage doors, lighting (dimmer switches), alarm systems etc. Have you, or your eighbours ...
the livebox is set to work with Orange and not other isp's. There is supposed to be a workaround to remove this restriction, but I have yet to see it, so in my opinion if you tried to use it to connec ...
I think you should retrieve the livebox from the bin - it's only on loan from Orange and needs returning whenever you decide to either regrade to a package that doesn't include the livebox, or switch ...
If you are the account holder you should call and ask for a MAC code so you can migrate to o2 (now Sky) - this will not affect your mobile account. When you migrate you should be offline for about 30 minutes. T ...