It appears that they have been working on the e-mail system - again! One of the issues that I have had is that old SMTP addresses have been cleared out and are no longer accepted. I had not updated on ...
When the SPAM filter is working it is useful, but as you said it is not always as good as it could be. Until recently it has been more or less OK but in the last week it has been less effective. The m ...
It is the same here, access to clear out the dross of spam mail was lost during the evening last night so the spam will be piling up again. Internet access went very slow for a short time and then I w ...
Is it not a job requirement for Orange staff to be unable to read their records and to tell lies about what is happening?
My experience suggests that only liars need apply for Orange jobs as I have ...
If you have removed the bell wire it is very unlikely that you would notice any difference from using an iplate, that is apart from your wallet being lighter!
You will never get an answer that matches the mail that you sent to Orange. They employ specially selected or trained staff, (robots?) who ignore the content of messages and send out the stupid respo ...
As I said earlier, I think we can be certain that it was a panic move to restore services that have been off the pace since the 28th August for some of us.
At last it appears to be struggling back to ...
I think that they have had problems managing (everything) oops their servers recently and it may well be that they have canned the Wanadoo server a part of the solution. Not sure if things are now wo ...
Some one said that they are bottom of the list, I am surprised that they did that well!
Evasion, replies that fail to answer any complaint points, answers that avoid any response to the question an ...
It was a relief to know that I am not alone in having problems with Orange e-mail. It used to work so that mails came to each of my wife's, daughter's or my PC, now it hardly comes into any of them a ...