Stats are back to normal now, apart from the noise margin which is now 11db, but this could be normal fluctuation. Ip profile has dropped to 5500k though. Is this DLM fiddling with my line?
Stats are back to normal now, apart from the noise margin which is now 11db, but this could be normal fluctuation. Ip profile has dropped to 5500k though. Is this DLM fiddling with my line?
ADSL line status
Connection information
Line state Connected
Connection time 0 days, 0:05:35
Downstream 6,848 Kbps
Upstream 448 Kbps
ADSL settings
VPI/VCI 0/38
Basically, what happened when we first signed up we waited 10 days and were still only getting 2Mb. So we rang em up and they said there may be a line fault and booked an engineer appointment for the ...