I am experiencing my second major hiatus in Orange/Wanadoo service - lost the connection on Monday afternoon and have so far made 6 calls to Tech Support to try to get the problem sorted out.
There is no mention of any time frame for them to fix a problem/fault on the contract, so why the person said 6 weeks, he is filling your head with bull***t, if it isnt mentioned on the contract, then ...
I was told they have a stipulated 48hrs to fix a problem once they are aware of one, i.e. once the customer calls about a problem, they have 48hrs to fix it, so 6 weeks to me sounds kinda TOOOOOOOOOO ...
LOL, my attainable is 9000 odd, my actual download is 20-30kb and my upload is half of what my download is, its totally shocking that they are getting away with this and dont seem to be doing anything ...
Update, phoned Orange again today, possibly like the 20/30th ime, and was told to phone back tomorrow and then phone back on sunday and monday if it wasnt fixed.
Ok, where do I start, Freeserve and wanadoo both were good for me, no problems with either of them except teething problems when I first got BB 5ish years ago.