Anyone tried emailing the other 2 people? Have you got out of the contract though them? My Dad has given up on calling them now, he spent £30 last month just trying to get though to someone who actua ...
I was stuck in a contract. They wanted me to pay £150 to leave so I downloaded my way out. I managed to average above the invisible 40Gb FUP limit and they sent me a nice letter saying the account wa ...
Dazmo, if you're connected normally (i.e. not nicking next door's connection) post your router stats and actually using my friends connection, but its terribly slow. Ill post my route ...
As ive said before in another thread, will getting the MAC code be easy? We have been without a connection for 3 weeks now, and the so called tests they have been doing have done nothing. Every time w ...
I have the same problem as you, My Dad has been sucked into the 5/month "unlimited" service, because e has a mobile phone with them. He says the problems don't affect him, he only uses the i ...
We have got our crappy livebox out of storage, after Orange kept blaming it on our Belkin router. Livebox says PPP server down, has done for 2 weeks now. Trying to find a decent ISP to change to, Ever ...