Sorted this out went into Tools and checked Compatability and the tool bar and the Plain,HTML radio buttons came back,i now have another query,does anyone know how to get the tool bar etc to appear in ...
I can't alter the text size in my e mails,the toolbar with font size etc and the Plain or HTML buttons have gone missing.anyone know how i can get these back,has things are now the text is way to smal ...
My sister has the Orange Live Box,she has just bought a new Laptop,can she just plug a Wireless Router into the live box to get a wireless connection,or is it done some other way,i don't know anything ...
Every time my sister writes an e mail then clicks send,a Dial Up Connection box pops up saying Unable to find a connection,then sends her e mail into the Outbox.When she opens Outlook Express again a ...
Just Phoned Orange a recorded message said(We are currently experiencing E Mail Problems we are trying very hard to sort the problem out) so they know about it,i have at least 4 e mails i need to get ...
I had trouble with my E Mail yesterday,now today i still cannot get to my E Mails.When i go into my E Mail from the Orange home page i get a message saying Open but with errors on page,and instead of ...
My sister s E Mail address is a bit long winded for her and she wants to change it,it is like this{This is not it} DavidJenny@ she wants to shorten it.How does she go about it.Thank ...
My 18 month contract comes to an end next month,what happens if i do nothing,do Orange put me into another 18 month contract.i am hoping to switch ISP's shortly,and don't want to end up in another con ...
I have had my E Mail address since the Freeserve days,and i want to keep it.My partner wants her own E Mail address,can we have two E Mail address's on Orange,if so how does she get her own.Thank You. ...