I use Orange broadband and Mail on my Apple MAC to send and receive email. I have been away for a couple of weeks and returned to find I can not send email, but can receive it. I CAN send it from my I ...
That error just means it cannot connect. Just to check, do you have any antivirus that scans email and have you checked without that to make sure it's not preventing it going through.
This email Outbox problem has been denied by Orange again and Again to me they have had me making new accounts re-installing Outlook Express telling me it's another ISP or Virus problem, and all the t ...
The cause of this is incorrect network adapter Maximum Transmission Unit or MTU setting. You need to change the MTU setting on the computer using DR ...
I can only access google sites and this one. All other sites including the Orange site will not load. Google will preform searches but I can not access the sites when they are found. I use my own wire ...