Surveys are sent when notes are left on your account. They're sent automatically. If your account wasn't working previously, you wouldn't have received a survey.
I would ask for the MAC just in case. And re. your account; Orange charge you for 30 days after they've terminated your contract. Don't know why but that's what they do.
And there lies 0range's true problems. I was able to tell you how to fix it within a few seconds of reading your post, without any access to your account, yet the ridiculous Indian call centre don't h ...
Call them up, tell them you get PCBD on your webmail, ask them to escalate it to FSD noting team and give them permission to access your account to fix it. Should take a couple of days.
have taken up the challenge and have emailed Tom Alexander at length - I don't expect a reply, but you never know......... :xYou'll get a reply, but it certainly wont be from the man himself (wont go ...
completely disagree mate, mobile, and mobile broadband tech is in the UK, only home broadband and some parts of handset faults are in india, aswell as pay as you go. The majority of oranges call centr ...
I have DEMANDED 0range send me a Livebox 1.2 (mini) to try
Good luck with that, they're no longer produced. Even if they ordered a Livebox 1.2, you'd get whatever was in stock, new or recondit ...